Saturday, August 7, 2010

#478. Cyst - Concussion Symphony

Genre: Thrash Metal
Origin: USA
Year: 2002
Label: Hook N Mouth Records

Just before the infamous "thrash revival" there was a small band from West Palm Beach, Florida (which is my hometown :)) names Cyst, who loved nothing more than to pump out homage to bands like Slayer and Demolition Hammer. This sounds kinda like a cross between the two: Slayer's blistering riffage with the slower, groovy riffs of Demolition hammer. The vocals sound almost like Araya himself is at the mic. Hell, the last song on the album is a Slayer cover.

This isn't too original. This really isn't anything we haven't heard before. But, it's not supposed to be. It's thrash, for Heaven's sake! These guys thrash so hard, with so much energy, you just wonder how many guitar strings or drum heads Cyst goes through every day. This will get you moving, this will make you want to shove your fist through a wall.

It's a wonder how Cyst never gained any popularity while bands like Skeletonwitch are on major tours around the world. *sigh* the mysteries of life ;)

1.Curse the Fates03:53
3.I'll Break You Back03:19
4.Without a Sound05:10
5.Shield the Beating04:22
7.Become Wrath02:25
8.The Deterioration of the American Psyche04:15
9.Angel of Death (Slayer cover)03:49
Total playing time33:15

The cause of injury.

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